Where is Mayadeen located?

13714, Thuliymah, Diriyah,, Riyadh, KSA.

How many venues are there in Mayadeen?

There are 4 venues with different specifications located at Mayadeen

Can I rent all the spaces for a single event?

Yes, If there is availability in the calendar

How can I schedule a site visit?

Please plan your tour through this link ( Add the plan your tour link that takes you to homepage and schedule tour)

What services are provided by the venue?

Mayadeen provides a variety of services from production, branding& printing, operation & HSE and issuing permits. Please refer to the Add on services booklet for more information.

Are there prayer areas in the venue?

There are prayer areas located in different zones in Mayadeen venue.

Is there WiFi coverage?

Yes, WiFi coverage is available across Mayadeen.

Are there facilities for people with special needs?

Yes, WC, parking lots, ramps etc are all available to facilitate special needs guests.

What is the H&S policy of the venue? Are there any restrictions?

Please refer to the HSE policy for more information. Venue Restrictions and Guidelines: